Saturday 26 July 2008 22:51:01
Server Stats Awards Leaderboard Clans Fritzmods Info
Hall Of Shame
At least 1 rounds per player with a minimum of 1 players per round

Rounds2 Play Time00:08:35   
Score-7.0(-3.50) Skill-25.5(-12.75) Ratio0.13
Kills1 Deaths8 Suicides0
Kill Streak0 Death Streak8 Team Kill Streak0
Team Wins0 Team Losses0 Team Kills0
# Victims Kills
1 Wilk 1
# Enemies Kills
1 >MOW< GEN Woody 5
2 Wilk 2
3 {FM}McLMan{420} 1
# Location Kills
1 Call Of Duty 4: Right Calf 1
Top WeaponsKills

Call Of Duty 4: G36C (GL)

Best Score0.0
Worst Score-7.0
Best Skill0.0
Worst Skill-25.5
Longest Streaks
#Ended By